United Way Exceeds Campaign Goal in Parr Instrument Company President, Jim Nelson’s First Year as Campaign Co-Chair

United Way exceeds workplace fundraising goal
Photo Credit: Todd Welvaert / twelvaert@qconline.com

The United Way of the Quad Cities announced that it exceeded its annual workplace fundraising campaign goal for 2015. United Way president Scott Crane along with campaign co-chairs Carrie O’Neill and Jim Nelson announced that the organization surpassed their goal of $8,750 million by raising $9,045 million during the 2015 campaign.

Parr Instrument Company was one of nine companies chosen as a Pacesetter company to jump start the 2015 United Way campaign. Parr helped provide leadership and excitement for the rest of the community to increase their giving. Parr employees participated in a Day of Caring where employees had a chance to give back to the community where they live and work by volunteering in support of United Way programs.

Jim Nelson said, “I am blown away by the generosity of Parr employees and of the many others in the Quad City community who continually donate to United Way.”

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