Parr April Dealer Training

Last week Parr hosted a dealer training at our headquarters in Moline, Illinois. In attendance were Md. Farid Ali (David) with Maks Trading Limited in Bangladesh, Ing. Neurin Rodriguez Romero with BioAnalytical in the Dominican Republic, Mr. Jacek Thomann, and Mr. Rafal Kuran both with Donserv in Poland.

Thank you David, Neurin, Jacek, and Rafal for making the trip to the United States to train with us and for your dedication to help support our mutual customers!

Are you interested in training? We provide dealer and customer training free of charge at our facility in Moline. Contact us for more information.

Other opportunities to meet with Parr’s Technical and Sales personnel are available by visiting us at our Trade Shows. We’d love to meet with you!

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