Service Fixtures for Parr Reactor Heads and Cylinders

Whether performing routine maintenance or replacing fittings on a Parr reactor, the task can be much easier with the use of Parr’s service fixtures.

Service fixtures allow a bench top vise to safely grasp the vessel head or cylinder to aid in assembling or disassembling reactor components. The use of service fixtures provide two important benefits:

  • Allowing the head or cylinder to be effectively secured by distributing the force of the vise around the circumference of the part
  • Minimizing the potential for marring of the outer surface of the part by the vise jaws

These devices are offered in a variety of sizes to accommodate reactors from 45 mL to two liters. Table mounted fixtures are available for larger diameter vessels.

Service Fixtures from left to right: 2584HC for 4520/4530’s, 2897HC for 5000’s and 2583HC for 4560’s
Parr Service Fixtures

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