Recipientes para Alta Presión Serie 4625, 600-1200 ml ¡Cotiza ya!

Series 4625 Request for Quotation

An example order number for a vessel in this series is: 4625-600mL-T-SS-VGR-5000

Click on the selections below to develop a composite identification number which may be used to request a quote for a 4625 Series Pressure Vessel.

Please note that all options and combinations are not compatible with all models.

AVessel Volume
-600mL 600 mL, 3.25″ ID
-1200mL 1200 mL, 3.25″ ID
BHead Mounting Style
-No Symbol Moveable Head (Standard configuration)
-FH Fixed Head
CGasket / Maximum Temperature
-T PTFE Flat Gasket, 350 °C
-FG Flexible Graphite Flat Gasket, 350 °C
DMaterial of Construction
-SS T316 Stainless Steel
-C20 Alloy 20
-MO Alloy 400
-IN600 Alloy 600
-IN625 Alloy 625
-HB Alloy B-2/B-3
-HC Alloy C-276
-NI Nickel 200
-TI2 Titanium Grade 2
-TI4 Titanium Grade 4
-ZR702 Zirconium Grade 702
-ZR705 Zirconium Grade 705
See Materials of Construction for other available alloys.
EHead Configuration
-1/8 One head opening, 1/8″ NPT port, plugged
-1/4 One head opening, 1/4″ NPT port, plugged
-B One head opening, “B” socket
-RD Rupture disc port with rupture disc assembly & disc
-VGR Valve on gage adapter, pressure gage, rupture disc assembly, & thermocouple and thermowell
-NS Non-standard, custom head opening
FOptional Fittings & Custom Options (Check all needed)
-VD Single Valve Assembly with dip tube (VGR required)
-DVD Double Valve Assembly with dip tube (VGR required)
-SC Serpentine Cooling Coil
-4310B Gage Block Assembly (for head with “B” socket opening)
-BDV Bottom Drain Valve (1″ NPS)
-CAD Internal Catalyst Addition Device
-XCAD External Catalyst Addition Device
-SCP Solids Charging Port (Ball Valve)
-RC Reflux Condenser
-RTC Reflux/Take-Off Condenser
-WJ Welded Jacket
GPressure Gage (VGR Required)
-No Symbol None
-5000 5000 psi / 517 bar
-7500 7500 psi / 345 bar
HStand and Heater Options
-No Symbol None
-BTH Bench top heater with base plate (moveable head only)
-BTS Bench Top Stand (moveable or fixed head)
-FC Floor Cart (moveable head only)
-FS Floor Stand (moveable or fixed head)
-FSP Floor Stand with pneumatic lift (fixed head only)
-No Symbol None
-4838 PID Control, Ramp & Soak Programming, and Data logging with Software. For use with one additional display module.
-4848 PID Control, Ramp & Soak Programming, and Data logging with Software (RS-485 to USB cable not included). For use with up to three additional display modules.
View a complete list of Controllers and options.
JController Options (Check all needed)
-PDM Pressure Display Module
-HTM High Temperature Cut Off Module
-ETLM External Temperature Limit Module
-SVM Solenoid Valve Module (for cooling control)
-A1925E4 RS-485 to USB Cable for 4838/4848 Controller (required for data logging)
-A1925E6 RS-485 to USB Converter, isolated, 30-ft
-A2208E RS-485 Daisy Chain for Multiple Controllers (Must be used with A1925E6)
-A3504HC SpecView Software Package for 4838/4848 Controller
KElectrical Supply for Heater and/or Controller
-No Symbol None
-115 115V Heater
-230 230V Heater
-No Symbol No Certification
-ASME ASME Documentation
-CE CE Documentation
-P Parr Certification

Please note that all options and combinations are not compatible with all models.

If you do not find the pressure, temperature, volume, or options you are looking for here, let us customize a system for you.

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