Custom Reactor Systems

Your chemistry. Our expertise.

Our experienced technical sales, engineering, and production teams work directly with you, your scientists and/or engineers to quickly, accurately, and economically proceed from system concept though manufacturing.

We offer custom designed high pressure/high temperature stirred, tubular, and fluidized bed reactors in a variety of special alloys and sizes for the study of catalytic reactions in batch, continuous-flow, and multiple/parallel operation.

Customized reactor systems for:

Did You Know…

Parr’s standard stirred reactors and pressure vessels can also be customized to meet your specific research requirements. If you do not find the pressure, temperature, volume, or options you are looking for contact us to find out how we modify our design for your specifications.

Let us build one for you.

Learn more here or fill out the form below to have someone from our experienced staff contact you.

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