Continuous Bulk-Solids Feeder

Continuous feeding of bulk solids materials is a technically challenging task, and solids feed equipment is difficult to source, especially for high pressure processes and for the minimal feed rates often required for laboratory and small pilot scale work.

Parr’s new laboratory-scale automated solids-feed module is designed to continuously deliver free-flowing non-cohesive bulk solids into specially customized Parr continuous stirred, tubular, or fluidized bed reactors. Designed for a maximum particle size of 2 mm (or 4 mm for larger systems), the automated bulk solids feed system includes a rechargeable solids hopper, hopper isolation valves, and variable speed auger motor.  Feed rates are measured on a volumetric basis as calculated from the auger rotation speed. Contact Parr today to discuss whether a Parr’s automated bulk solids feeder might be right for you!

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