6772 Calorimetric Thermometer RFQ

Model 6772 Request for Quotation

Click on the selections below to develop a composite identification number which may be used to request a quote for a 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer.

Please note that all options and combinations are not compatible with all models.

A Model
Model No. Description
6772 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer with ignition unit and one 1168E2 Thermister Probe
B Voltage
-EA 115 VAC
-EF 230 VAC
C Optional Accessories
-1761 Printer
-387C Thermal Printer Paper for 1761 Printer
-1168E2 Thermister Probe
-2426E Micro SD Card
-2427E USB 3.0 Reader
View a complete list of Optional Accessories.

Please note that all options and combinations are not compatible with all models.