Series 4580 HT Reactors, 3750 & 5500 mL RFQ

Series 4580 Request for Quotation

The Order No. for the Base System is: 458__-FG-SS-HD-230-VS.50-3000-4848

Click on the selections below to develop a composite identification number which may be used to request a quote for a 4580 Series Reactor.

Please note that all options and combinations are not compatible with all models.

ABase Model
Model No. Size Vessel Style
4581 1.0 Gallon Moveable Head, Cart
4582 1.5 Gallon Moveable Head, Cart
4583 1.0 Gallon Fixed Head, Floor Stand
4584 1.5 Gallon Fixed Head, Floor Stand
BGasket / Maximum Temperature
-T PTFE Flat Gasket, 350 °C
-FG Flexible Graphite Flat Gasket, 500 °C
C Materials of Construction
-SS T316 Stainless Steel
-MO Alloy 400*
-IN Alloy 600
-HB Alloy B-2*/B-3*
-HC Alloy C-276
-CS Alloy 20*
-TI2 Titanium Grade 2*
-TI4 Titanium Grade 4*
-ZR702 Zirconium Grade 702*
-ZR705 Zirconium Grade 705*
See Materials of Construction for other available alloys.
*Maximum Pressure and/or Temperature are limited.
DMagnetic Stirrer Drive
-XHD Extra Heavy Duty, 120 in-lb
-FMD2 Footless, Heavy Duty, 60 in-lb
-FMD3 Footless, Extra Heavy Duty, 120 in-lb
EMagnetic Stirrer Drive Material of Construction
-No Symbol Same Material As Vessel
-SS T316 Stainless Steel
-MO Alloy 400
-IN Alloy 600
-HB Alloy B-2/B-3
-HC Alloy C-276
-CS Alloy 20
-TI2 Titanium Grade 2
-TI4 Titanium Grade 4
-ZR702 Zirconium Grade 702
-ZR705 Zirconium Grade 705
FElectrical Supply
-230 230 VAC
GMotor Option
-VS .50 Variable Speed, 1/2 hp
-XP .50 Explosion Proof Variable Speed, 1/2 hp
-AM .50 Air Motor, 1/2 hp
-GDD Geared Direct Drive (Fixed Head Units Only)
HPressure Gage
-1000 1000 psi / 70 bar
-2000 2000 psi / 140 bar
-3000 3000 psi / 200 bar
IBottom Drain Valve
-No Symbol No Bottom Drain Valve
-BDV Bottom Drain Valve
-4848 (included in base system) PID Temperature Control, Ramp & Soak Programming, Motor Speed Control knob, and Data logging with Software. (RS-485 to USB cable not included.) For use with up to three additional display slots.
-4848B Same as above but for use with up to six additional display slots.
-4848T Touchscreen Controller with PID Temperature Control, Ramp & Soak Programming, Motor Control Module, Pressure Display Module, and either High Temperature Module or External Temperature Limit Module. Internal data logging included.
-A2110E Motor Controller
-4871 Process Controller (for enhanced control options)
View a complete list of Controllers and options.
K4848 Controller Options
-TDM Tachometer Display Module
-MCM Motor Control Module w/set point control of RPM
-PDM Pressure Display Module
-HTM High Temperature Cut Off Module
-ETLM External Temperature Limit Module
-MTM Motor Torque Module (Must be installed in conjunction with the MCM)
-SVM Solenoid Valve Module (for cooling control)
-A1925E4 RS-485 to USB Cable for 4848 Controller (required for data logging)
-A1925E6 RS-485 to USB Converter, isolated, 30-ft
 -A2208E RS-485 Daisy Chain for Multiple Controllers
-A3504HC SpecView Software Package for 4838/4848 Controller
LCustom Options (List All Desired)
-AS Anchor Stirrer
-PS Paddle Stirrer
-SA Spiral Stirrer
-GE Gas Entrainment Stirrer
-BF Removable Baffle Set
-SB Static Catalyst Basket
-DB Dynamic Catalyst Basket
-CAD Internal Catalyst Addition Device
-XCAD External Catalyst Addition Device
-SCP Solids Charging Port (Ball Valve)
-RC Reflux Condenser
-RTC Reflux/Take-Off Condenser
-WJ Welded Jacket
-ABH Aluminum Block Heater with Cooling Channels
View a complete list of Optional Accessories.
-No Symbol No Certification
-ASME ASME Documentation
-CE CE Documentation
-P Parr Certification
NSpare Parts Kit
-4589M Spare Parts Kit for 4580 Series

Please note that all options and combinations are not compatible with all models.

If you do not find the pressure, temperature, volume, or options you are looking for here, let us customize a system for you.