Parr’s catalyst loading toolkit helps the user maintain the thermocouple centered while loading catalyst and catalyst retention material. This enables increased data reproducibility with a more even reactant flow distribution within the catalyst bed, more reproducible axial catalyst placement within the furnace, and more accurate internal temperature measurements.
This toolkit helps the operator load and remove bulk solids and packing materials (such as quartz wool) within our tubular reactors at defined depths in the annulus around the centerline thermocouple. The toolkit includes equipment for holding the thermocouple centered while filling the reactor, measuring depth inside the reactor, filling open space upstream / downstream of the solids bed, and hooking quartz wool plugs for easy removal. The solids loading toolkit makes a real difference in turnaround time, accurate catalyst placement, and ease of use.
The toolkit includes:
A. Funnel designed to hold centerline thermocouple centered while adding catalyst powder (designed for use with centering tool)
B. Thermocouple centering tool for keeping the thermocouple or thermowell centered while loading quartz wool or solids
C. Packing rod with laser-engraved depth scale for packing quartz wool in the annulus and measuring depth during solids loading
D. Corkscrew tool, for removal of quartz wool from the annulus around the thermocouple